Best sets sights on scholarship

Best sets sights on scholarship

March 15, 2018

Squash star Meagan Best gave herself enviable Christmas gifts of gold at the Junior US Open and silver at the Junior Canadian Open. But, come 2018, the 15-year-old student of The St Michael School will be looking to shine even brighter in the squash world.

Best made the bold declaration yesterday after returning from the scene of her latest exploits where she went up a year to the Under-17 division, but also went up a gear to improve on her showing in the 2016 editions. The beaming star was greeted on her arrival back home by proud family members, coach Shawn Simpson and president of the Barbados Squash Club David Leacock.

“I was surprised that I did so well in my down year [first year going up] in the Under-17s, since there were 16-year-olds who were supposed to be better, stronger and more experienced than me,” she said.

Full story here: NationNews

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